The Japanese American National Museum in Little Tokyo partnered up with Giant Robot founder, Eric Nakamura for their fourth group art show, Giant Robot Biennale 4. The show features paintings and illustrations from well known artists: Esao Andrews, Amy Sol, Luke Chueh, Andrew Hem, Mari Inukai, Audrey Kawasaki, Nathan Ota, King Jung Gi, Jim Lee, Mike Lee, Mu Pan, Katsuya Terada, Al Yamaguchi, Yumi Sakugawa, Shizu Saldamando, Rob Sato and Yoskay Yamamoto. They also have a replica of Edwin Ushiro’s studio, an ocean vinyl mural by kozyndan, sketchbooks from James Jean, skateboard sculptures from Haroshi, and photography from Hamburger Eyes. If you missed the grand opening last Saturday, be sure to check it out before they take it down January 24, 2016.
Photos by: Brandon Shigeta
Giant Robot Biennale 4